Cyber Security

Piracy is no longer just a matter of gangs entering your vessel in the middle of the night. The threat of cyber space is building up rapidly with the potential of posing even bigger risks, also for the crews. Therefore, maritime Cyber Security training is critical for your safety.

The Cyber Security online course provides knowledge about common cyber attacks that ship’s crew can face. Moreover, the Cyber Security online course discusses best practices for the protection of cyber threats.

This course aligns with:

The ISM Code (MSC.428 (98) Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems)
MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management
ISO/IEC 27001 – Information Security Management, 2013
BIMCO Guidelines on Cybersecurity Onboard Ships(v4)

Cyber Security is part of the ISM Code of IMO – MSC Circ 1526.

The STCW Cyber security course can also be used excellently by shipbrokers.

Course Details

$ 47

Sign up
  • Duration:
    1 hour
  • Participation:
  • Type:
  • Language:
  • Approved by:
    ECMT, The Netherlands

Course content

Course content:

  • Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry
  • Status on Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry
  • It is a Business
  • Best Practices
  • Case Study
  • Assessment (Test)


  • The Assessment consists of multiple-choice questions
  • After passing the assessment, you will receive a download link for your signed and stamped certificate
  • You are free to (re)print your certificate anytime. An original hard-copy by mail can be ordered (not included)


How it works

1. Sign up

Go digital and save time. Simply sign up and you can start the course immediately.

2. Take the course

You will need a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone (iOS or Android). You can take the course online or download the course.

3. Assessment

The Assessment consists of multiple-choice questions. Upon successful completion of the assesment you will receive your certificate.

4. Certificate

You will receive a download link for your certificate. You are free to (re)print your certificate anytime. A signed and stamped original hard-copy by mail can be ordered.


Yes, this training is fully online, and you can join anytime.

By taking this course you will gain knowledge about common cyber-attacks that ship crews face and happen often.

This Cyber Security course meets the following guidelines:

  • The ISM Code (MSC.428 (98) Maritime Management of Cyber Risks in Security Management Systems).
  • MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 Guidelines for maritime cyber risk management.
  • ISO/IEC 27001 – Information security management, 2013
  • BIMCO guidelines for cyber security on board ships(v4)
  • IMO ISM Code – MSC Circ. 1526.
  • This course is approved by Emergency Control Maritime Training BV (dba, a maritime training institute based in Rotterdam.
  • Several of its STCW courses are approved by the Dutch (EU) maritime authorities under ID: NL45 or/and the Liberian Register (if applicable). Both countries are on the IMO “Whitelist”.
  • This course does not require flag state approval.

This course contains the following elements:

  • Upon completion of this course, you will become familiar with cyber security and be able to: Have the knowledge of the general dangers involved in shipboard operations
  • Understand the role of a safety officer
  • Understand the importance of identifying general hazards and safety awareness
  • Carry out Risk assessment
  • Carry out accident investigations and root cause analysis

This course takes approximately one hour (1) to complete.
This also depends on your English language proficiency. Native speakers might need less time.

Our online STCW courses are all in English (except specific language courses).

This course is highly recommended for anyone working on a ship.

What you will learn


Leverage an enhanced awareness of cyber security principles and concepts SO

Counteract threats

Analyse appropriate types of controls to counteract various threats courses

Social engineering

Social engineerings such as phishing, malware, spyware, adware and ransomware

Security solutions

Determine software vulnerabilities and security solutions to reduce the risk of exploitation

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